iqama expiry date check real way

जबसे सऊदी गवर्नमेंट ने moi website को update कर के expatriate (प्रवासी)के लिए बहुत बड़ी मुसीबत खड़ी कर दी है पहले था लोग google पर iqama expiry date check लिखते तो उनके सामने डायरेक्ट iqama check करने की लिंक मिल जाती थी और expatriate (प्रवासी) उसका फायदा उठा लेते थे|

लेकिन saudi government expatriate (प्रवासी) का डाटा moi website से हटाकर अब absher पर कर दिया है जिस की वजह से expatriate (प्रवासी) अब अपने iqama expiry date check नहीं कर पा रहे हैं|

इसी लिए आज हम आपको अपने iqama expiry date check कैसे करें riyal way (रास्ता) बताएँगे निचे हम एक video का लिंक दे रहे हैं उस विडियो में iqama expiry date check कैसे करना है बताया गया है आप उस विडियो को फॉलो करके अपना iqama expiry date check कर सकते हैं

click here पर क्लिक करें और विडियो देखें iqama expiry date check करने के लिए


IQAMA EXPIRY DATE CHECK OR VALIDITY To check Iqama status or expiry date online, you need only your Saudi iqama number. Follow the below steps to inquire about your iqama validity. Visit the official website of MOI(Clic Here Ministry of Interior

Choose your Language


To know about your iqama status please click here

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चेक इकामा स्टेटस हिंदी

अपने इकामा स्टेटस के बारे में जानने के लिए प्लीज यहाँ क्लिक करें

اردومیں اقامہ کے بارے میں جانیں

اپنے اقامے کی حیثیت کے بارے میں جاننے کے لئے براہ مہربانی یہاں کلک کریں


لمعرفة حالة انتهاء الإقامة الخاصة بك ، يرجى النقر هنا

বাংলা আপনার আকামা এর অবস্থা দেখুন

আপনার আকামা সম্পর্কে জানতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

Award at the end of the benefits of the service

Saudi Labor Law

Calculate the end of the service benefits according to Saudi Labor Law by selecting the appropriate contract type, appropriate reason for termination of contract with the company and the number of years, months and days. Based on your information provided, this calculator is the result of your eligibility for the end of the service award in Saudi Riyal.

What will be fines if delayed Renew iqama

What will be fines if delayed Renew iqama

according to sources Fines and Deportation for failing to renew Iqama before its Expiry date The Directorate General of Passports (Jawazat) in Saudi Arabia warned expatriates on failure of renewing iqamas before its expiry date to result in punishments as per

Get new Iqama with special rights


Qualified MAY GET NEW IQAMAS WITH SPECIAL PRIVILEGES The Shoura Council of Saudi Arabia approved the draft Distinguished Iqama law, allowing qualified expatriates a number of special rights with new type of iqama. Related : Saudi Green Card

Check Iqama Huroob Status – Ministry of Labor Saudi Arabia

Check Iqama Huroob Status – Ministry of Labor Saudi Arabia

When a person is absent from work, his kafeel reports to Jawazat that he is no more responsible for these workers. It appears as a huroob on iqama. Once kafeel reports to Jawazat, Saudi Arabian police begin searching for an absent worker, not to be detained until he is captured.

Download Iqama Expiry App From Play Store

Click Here

CHECK IQAMA EXPIRY DATE OR VALIDITY To check Iqama status or expiry date online, you need only your Saudi iqama number. Follow the below steps to inquire about your iqama validity and news update on iqama from Saudi MOI Website

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